Best Practice in Feedback & Complaints for Residential Disability Care
Helps meet the requirements of the NDIS Participant Service Charter and helps you operate more efficiently.
Meet requirements of the NDIS Participant Service Charter
The NDIS Participant Service Charter requires that you:
- Take immediate action where there appears to be a high risk of harm, neglect or abuse;
- Acknowledge feedback within the next business day;
- Reply within two business days of acknowledgement;
- Aim to resolve complaints within 21 business days;
- Publish information on performance.
Tell Touch makes meeting these requirements easy.
Key Features
Kiosks in the foyer for easy access
Super easy-to-use mobile apps
Accessible in 80 languages
Available 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime.
In-depth yet simple reports help spot trends
Why Now?
While most NDIS providers do their best to provide quality supports and services to people with disability, issues can occur. The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability bears testament to this. Tell Touch combines the latest technology with in-depth knowledge of what’s really needed in Disability Care.
Every NDIS provider must have a complaints management system
Every NDIS provider must have an effective complaints management and resolution arrangements. A paper-based system does not cut it. If you failure to comply you risk:
- Banning orders;
- Compliance notices;
- Suspension of registration;
- Revocation of registration; and
- Infringement notices.
“Just about every issue in disability care comes down to poor communication. If you get communication right, everything else falls into place. Encouraging feedback and complaints starts the conversation. Achieve efficiencies driven by effective communication.”

Stay out of the cross hairs of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
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