About Tell Touch
We each have over 20 years of experience as aged care nurses, managers and consultants. We identified the need for a solution that enables providers to be more consumer-oriented and makes compliance easy. Tell Touch combines the latest technology with in-depth knowledge of what we need in Aged Care. Tell Touch is a huge leap forward in handling feedback in aged care.

Christine Brodrick

Diana Cooper
“We’ve created a platform that enables providers to be more consumer-oriented and makes compliance easy.”

Addressing the Aged Care Royal Commission 2019-20
Although Tell Touch predates the Aged Care Royal Commission 2019-20, many of the objectives and recommendations are directly addressed by Tell Touch. At its essence, Tell Touch enables users of aged care services to be heard while making aged care providers accountable for their actions. Tell Touch addresses specific recommendations around:
- Accessibility;
- Cultural inclusion; and
- Streamlining systems to improve the quality of care
For a more detailed discussion, please read our info pack.
Listen to us on the Innovate for ImpactPodcast
of people living in Australian aged care facilities experience elder abuse
— Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
21 December 2020